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Pet Care Tips

How to tell if your cat is sick

How to tell if your cat is sick

If your feline friend is under the weather they will show subtle changes in behavior and energy level, but detecting these signs can be challenging for pet parents. Our Poway vets recommend that you regularly monitor your cat's health and always watch for the following signs of illness.

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Cats & Colds: Can They Get Them & What To Do?

Cats & Colds: Can They Get Them & What To Do?

Cats can catch colds just like people, displaying similar symptoms such as sneezing and a runny nose. Here, our Poway vets talk about causes and when to seek veterinary care.

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Is Your Dog Overweight?

Is Your Dog Overweight?

Obesity in dogs is on the rise and poses a serious health risk to our canine companions. If your pooch seems extra cuddly they may be carrying a little too much weight. Today our Poway emergency vets explain how you can tell if your dog might be overweight, and what you should do.

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Signs Your Pet Needs Emergency Care & What to Do

Signs Your Pet Needs Emergency Care & What to Do

Life can be unpredictable, and veterinary emergencies can happen at any time, though it can be difficult to recognize whether your pet needs emergency care or not. Our Poway vets are here to explain what situations require emergency care and what to do in the situation.

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Dog Wound Care: A Complete Guide

Dog Wound Care: A Complete Guide

Not every scratch your dog gets will need veterinary care, but you do need to know how to care for your dog's wounds, and when you should take them to the vet. Here our Poway vets provide tips on how to care for your dog's wounds at home.

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Infection After Spaying or Neutering Your Dog

Infection After Spaying or Neutering Your Dog

It's a big decision to spay or neuter your dog and you might be worried about the possible complications. Rest assured the odds of a complication are very low, but here our Poway vets discuss what you can expect from spaying/neutering your dog and the signs of complications or infection you should keep an eye out for.

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What To Do About Heatstroke In Dogs

What To Do About Heatstroke In Dogs

Here, our Poway vets define heatstroke in dogs and provide a list of symptoms that you should watch out for as the temperature rises. We also share recommendations on how to prevent heatstroke and what to do if you think that your dog is suffering from this serious condition.

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Why is My Dog Always Panting at Night?

Why is My Dog Always Panting at Night?

Although panting during a warm day or while playing fetch is normal for dogs, excessive panting at night can be a sign of a health issue. Besides causing sleepless nights for you and your dog, nighttime panting can be an indication that something is wrong. Today, our Poway vets discuss signs, treatments, and when to go to the vet.

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Signs & Treatment For Constipation In Dogs

Signs & Treatment For Constipation In Dogs

Constipation is one of the most common digestive issues our Poway vets see in dogs. While it may not seem serious, constipation can be life-threatening to your dog depending on the cause. Here's why.

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How To Treat Heavy Bleeding in Dogs & Cats

How To Treat Heavy Bleeding in Dogs & Cats

For any pet emergency, you should contact a veterinarian right away. In some emergency situations, like when your dog or cat is bleeding, you may need to administer first aid until you can get there for treatment. Here, our Poway Emergency veterinarians explain. 

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Experienced Emergency Vet Care in Poway

Animal Emergency Clinic of San Diego is an emergency and critical care hospital that has been providing veterinary emergency care since 1985. If your pet is experiencing an emergency, contact us to get the help your pet needs.

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